Lettuce Live Horeca

Our lettuce growing in the water, which brings many advantages over traditional growing.

+ Performance

Due to the increased cleanliness and hygiene of the culture system, the lettuce is free of parasites (bacteria, fungi, insects) that are in the soil, so that almost all the leaves are edible.

+ Life

The problem of lettuce is that it lasts a very short time once it is cut, and in the course of one or two days, we found ourselves with a head of lettuce dehydrated and weak, which has lost many of its qualities. As our lettuce is alive, it takes much longer and retains its quality much better until the time it is consumed.

+ Respectful with the environment

There is No pollution of the earth, is used 4 times less water than traditional crops, and in addition get the maximum advantage of the water used, or a drop is wasted.

+ Healing

Since the plant is not in contact with the ground, it isn't contaminated by their parasites. It can be said that our lettuces are "Zero Waste".


Batavia Mix Live

It is without doubt, by their flavor, smoothness and texture, one of the best greens that exist today in the market. The lettuce Batavia, is one of the lettuce before it is oxidized and dehydrated once cut and separated from their roots. However, our lettuce Batavia alive, to keep the roots up to the point of being consumed, we prolong its life and make it retain its natural freshness over time. In addition, to be cultivated with hydroponic system, causes 100% of their leaves are edible to not be in contact with the ground.

We stock Batavia green and Batavia Red


Type of Pallet

European (1200×800 mm)

Boxes per base

8 cardboard boxes

Pieces per box

6 (all green)



Total boxes


Total lettuce



Oak leaf red living

The Oak Leaf lettuce Red is one of the lettuces more appreciated by the consumer within the salads known as mesclun or bouquet. In addition to providing a beautiful, colourful dish that goes from green to purple and a presentation bulky for its leaves compact and curly, offers a tender texture and slightly crispy, besides a delicate taste and sweetness. The oak leaf lettuce is a lettuce that before it is oxidized and dehydrated once cut and separated from their roots. However, our oak leaf lettuce alive, to keep the roots up to the time of consumption, has a life and freshness are spectacular. In addition to being cultivated with system hydroponicmakes 100% of their leaves are edible to not be in contact with the ground. All of this makes consumers value a lot of our lettuce live Oak-Leaf Red.

We stock Batavia green and Batavia Red


Type of Pallet

European (1200×800 mm)

Boxes per base

5 boxes of porex

Pieces per box

8 (same)



Total boxes


Total lettuce



Lollo Mix

Lettuce lollo rosso (red), and lollo bionda (light green) are varieties of leaves separate and very curly. They have a delicate texture and a flavor-quite neutral. This variety, which is very decorative, is a native of Italy. Has a rich vitamin and mineral. Thanks to some of their trace elements (iron, zinc, copper) effectively fights anemia impoverishment mineral of the blood.


Type of Pallet


Type of Box


Units per Box


Boxes per Pallet

American 55
European 44

Total Units

American 440
European 352


Salanova Trocadero

Lettuce, Salanova Trocadero is a lettuce that has between two and four times more leaves than a lettuce standard. In addition, the leaves are all approximately the same size and the same shape. Lettuce, Salanova Trocadero has the buds are compact and bulky and at the same time a delicate texture and a flavor pleasantly soft.

Like all of our lettuce is marketed with the root included. In this way, we do that lettuce will keep it fresh for a longer time. In Endinava produce red and green. Is the lettuce that more acceptance has and like to our customers in the HORECA CHANNEL, it is not available this lettuce for supermarket.


Channel Distribution


Type of Pallet

American (1200x1000mm)
European (1200x800mm)

Boxes per Base

American 5 boxes of porex
European 4 boxes of porex

Pieces per Box

8 (4 green and 4 red)



Total boxes

American 55
European 44

Total lettuce

American 440
European 352
