
Welcome to Endinava


Producing endives, 365 days a year

Endinava enters the world of the endive in the year 1977. In those times, they founded the company two brothers: July and Faustino Calvo. The company is called Hnos Calvo. No one believed in a warm and dry climate and as it is the Ribera de Navarra may occur in this product are grown and humid climates of Northern Europe.

After several difficult years, finally get its own technology of production. The endive of Endinava is grown indoors, in rooms culture through a process hydroponic. Missing the most important was the consumer acceptance of a new product in Spain. Little by little the Spanish consumers grew accustomed to this fresh product, its characteristic flavor and the multiple possibilities offered by its preparation. Endinava produces endives during the 365 days of the year. Currently our line of work is aimed to produce endive of long shelf-life and high quality.

Years of Experience

2012 - New project

In 2012 we started a new project: lettuce grown in pools of water. This product is sold with a root that causes it to keep it fresh much longer. In a little over a year, Endinava been put on the market with a great acceptance by the consumer several types of lettuces live as Batavia, Oak Leaf, Multicolored, and the famous Salanova® Trocadero.

After over 5 years of marketing of our lettuces living, we can say that we are introduced both in the RETAIL sector as in the HORECA CHANNEL, and both the satisfaction of our distributors and our end customers is very good. With our lettuce live do that lettuce is fresh much longer, increasing its useful life. With this culture system, our lettuce only use the water they need by easing up to 3 times the consumption of a traditional culture.


Providing innovative solutions in hydroponic culture, promoting sustainability, efficiency in the use of resources and the production of high quality food for a world that is more green and responsible.


To be the leaders in hydroponic agriculture, leading the change towards sustainable agricultural practices that contribute to food security and the environment at a global level.


We value sustainability, innovation and quality of our crops, working with commitment and collaboration to meet the needs of our customers and contribute to a future that is more sustainable and green.

We produce endives during the 365 days of the year

The endive of Endinava is grown indoors, in rooms culture through a process hydroponic.

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Field acres
0 M+
Happy Families
0 K+
Years of Experience
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Get in touch with us

Estamos aquí para ayudarte con cualquier consulta o información que necesites sobre nuestros cultivos. Escríbenos o llámanos, y juntos seguiremos cultivando un futuro más verde y sostenible. ¡Esperamos saber de ti!

Paseo de la Presa s/n 31589
Sartaguda (Navarra) – Spain

948 66 70 48

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