Lettuce Live

Much more cool


Our lettuce growing in the water, which brings many advantages over traditional growing.

+ Performance

Due to the increased cleanliness and hygiene of the culture system, the lettuce is free of parasites (bacteria, fungi, insects) that are in the soil, so that almost all the leaves are edible.

+ Life

The problem of lettuce is that it lasts a very short time once it is cut, and in the course of one or two days, we found ourselves with a head of lettuce dehydrated and weak, which has lost many of its qualities. As our lettuce is alive, it takes much longer and retains its quality much better until the time it is consumed.

+ Respectful with the environment

There is No pollution of the earth, is used 4 times less water than traditional crops, and in addition get the maximum advantage of the water used, or a drop is wasted.

+ Healing

Since the plant is not in contact with the ground, it isn't contaminated by their parasites. It can be said that our lettuces are "Zero Waste".

Fresh and sustainable

En Endinava trabajamos dos tipos de formato, el formato para supermercado (RETAIL) que la lechuga va embolsada y el formato para CANAL HORECA. Hemos diseñado una caja de Porex ideal para el CANAL HORECA. Esta caja tiene 8 agujeros para poder meter ahí la raíz de la lechuga para que se mantenga siempre húmeda y a su vez, para que ninguna hoja toque el agua, no se pudran y la lechuga siempre esté en perfecto estado y se conserve perfectamente.


Formato para supermercado (RETAIL), la lechuga va embolsada.


Formato para canal para el cual hemos diseñado una caja de Porex ideal.
